VRELO in Emir Kusturica’s Punk Opera “Time of the Gypsies”
Other than working on their own music, VRELO has great luck and priviledge to cooperate with few top artists. The first place in VRELO’s double life takes work with the director Emir Kusturica & The No Smoking Orchestra.
During 2003 and 2004 VRELO took part in the recording of the soundtrack for the film “Life is a Miracle” by Emir Kusturica.
At the end of 2006 VRELO was invited to sing and recored pilot vocals that were suposed to be only a skatch and an actors guide for Emir Kusturica’s opera “Time of the Gypsies”, based on his award winning movie. This cooperation continues in 2007. when VRELO became part of the cast in Kusturica’s punk opera “Time of the Gypsies”.
Opera was premiered in Paris in the Opera Bastille and played there during the summer 2007.
VRELO and Emir Kusturica & The No Smoking Orchestra are still successfully cooperating. Other than the engagement in the opera, VRELO are occasionally guests and support the concerts of TNSO. |
VRELO u Kusturičinoj punk operi »Dom za vešanje«
Pored rada na svojoj muzici VRELO ima sreću i privilegiju da saradjuje i gostuje u delima nekoliko vrhunskih umetnika. U paralelnom životu grupe na prvom mestu je rad sa režiserom Emirom Kusturicom & The No Smoking Orchestra.
Tokom 2003. i 2004. godine VRELO učestvuju na snimanju soundtracka za Kusturičin film »Život je čudo«.
Krajem 2006. godine VRELO dobija poziv da otpeva i snimi pilot vokale, koji će poslužiti kao skica i vodič glumcima, za operu »Dom za vešanje« koju će, po svom istoimenom filmu, postaviti i režirati Emir Kusturica. Snimanje prolazi odlično pa svi članovi VRELA dobijaju uloge, tako da početkom 2007. godine VRELO postaje deo ekipe ove punk opere.
Opera »Dom za vešanje« je premijerno izvedena i igrana u Parizu u Operi Bastille tokom leta 2007. godine.
VRELO i Emir Kusturica & The No Smoking Orchestra i dalje uspešno saradjuju. Osim stalnog angažmana u operi VRELO povremeno gostuje i na koncertima TNSO. |